Lichen Planus

Image showing what is Lichen Planus

What is Lichen Planus?

 It is a autoimmune disorder where there is desquamation of the epithelium leading to raw denuded area in the mouth , esophagus, pharynx or skin 


Causes of lichen planus

What Causes Lichen Planus ?

The most common cause has been related with hormonal imbalance in women during late 30 ,chemical cause like excessive alcohol consumption or certain synthetic chemicals in the diet process food has also be in related with lichen 

Shows the signs and symptoms of lichen planus

What are it's sign and symptoms ?

Sign and symptom include  raw area on the tongue  or buccal cavity , itchy patches on the skin leaving a dark pigmented area, bullae on the gums , vesicles , on the buccal mucosa , inability to have salty or spicy food , itching over the skin especially in the night .

best homeopathic treatment

How can it be treated by Homeopathy ?

Treatment includes medicines like sulphur , rhustrox , apis , cantharis , etc  in the right potency 

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Rashmi Dutta
Rashmi Dutta
DS Army Officer
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Holistic approach. My skin lesions were a manifestation of internal stress. The medicines worked wonders and my lesions almost disappeared within a week. I was able to sleep and my stress was low. Discolouration was very mild and I’m still taking medicines to ensure the lesions don’t recur. Thank you Dr Sheetal