What is Thyroid ?
Generally thyroid is of two type hypo thyroidism and hyper thyroidism but the commonest thyroid used with layman person refers to hypothyroidism where the body due to some cause be it iodine deficiency or autoimmune produces less hormone of T3 and T4 and becomes unresponsive towards TSH .
What Causes Thyroid ?
There are several causes
a) Iodine deficiency
b) Auto immune disorder
c) Tumor of the thyroid gland
d) Cyst in the thyroid gland
e)Genetic Inheritance
f)Radiation Exposure
g)Pituitary Gland Problems, etc
What are it's sign and symptoms ?
Sign and symptoms vary depending on the fact if the disease is hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism . In case of Hypothyroidism , symptoms can be Fatigue and weakness , weight gain or difficulty loosing weight , constipation , depression or mood swings , muscle ache , Irregular / heavy menstrual cycle , hair loss , etc . In case of Hyperthyroidism , common symptoms include weight loss or difficulty gaining weight , rapid or irregular heartbeat , diarrhea , Tremors , increased sweating / heat intolerance , enlargement of the thyroid gland , etc
How can it be treated by Homeopathy ?
It can be treated with homeopathic medicines like thyroidinum, Iodinum , beraita.iod in the correct potency.